Weight loss

Health tips - weight loss

Health tips - weight loss

There are as many weight loss plans and theories as there are people eating!! This health tip looks at  – the gut or small intestine (5 metres long). This is the primary area of impact; the place where all your food arrives in preparation for distribution! The more relaxed this organ is, the better our ability to absorb food. The more easily we absorb food, the greater the amount of nutrients that enter the body and the less we need to eat in order for the body to feel nourished and satisfied. In other words – relax and you will naturally eat less!

Health tips - Boost your immune system

Boost your immune system

Happy Christmas to you all – yes, there it is, we have said it. We have joined the yule-tide festivities!

This time of year brings all kind of gifts – the ones we enjoy and the ones that may not be so pleasant. As I walked into the office this morning – there it was - I met a friend, full of cold!!! Yes, here we go – we enter the influenza season – watch out everyone!! So what better gift can I give you than to remind you to boost your immune system now! The first thing is to invite you to enjoy the Inner Fire sequence – this will keep your digestive system strong and keep those colds away!

Dru Yoga - Vipariti Karani: a supported inversion

Dru Yoga - Vipariti Karani: a supported inversion

This powerful yet gentle yoga posture is classed as an inversion, but for those of us who think ‘up-side-down’ means head stands, wheels and peacocks; this posture is most definitely a welcome relief!

Annie Jones has been practicing this posture for years: “Vipariti Karani is one of my favourite postures, indeed, the whole of my personal yoga practice builds up to this point. I find it calms the mind and seems to create space around my thoughts – giving me the perspective and time to think. It’s said to be beneficial in preventing conditions such as alzheimer’s as well as helping us to keep our minds alert and our memories sharp.

Dru Yoga for weight loss with Annie Jones

There are as many ways and theories of looking at weight loss as there are people eating!! This programme looks at the primary area of impact – the gut or small intestine (5 metres long). This is the place where all your food arrives in preparation for distribution! The more relaxed this area is, the better our absorption ability. The more easily we absorb food, the greater the amount of nutrients entering the body and the less we need to eat in order for the body to feel nourished and satisfied. In other words – relax and you will naturally eat less!

Surya Namaskara

This is one of my personal all time favourties in yoga, because it gives you a fantastic body work out and you can adjust it to your own needs and abilities particular as Dru Yoga offers so many modifications.


Here are the benefits!

Surya Namascara gives you physical stamina, a fantastic improvement in flexibility and an overall toning of the body. You don’t need go to the noisy gym and you can put your favourite music on and do yoga from home, or you can go out in the beauty of nature.

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