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Feel Great Look Radiant

Feel great look radiant DVD

Feel Great Look Radiant

Coby Langford and Krishna Patel

Two body-mind Dru Yoga classes to make your feel great and look radiant. As seen on Sky TV.

‘I never knew yoga could feel so good!
My mind is clear and my body is energised.
I must be glowing on the outside too.’ - Sharon, marketing officer, Canberra

Class 1: Total cleanse and detox - 48mins

Cleanse your body from inside out.
This programme makes you feel clear trim and ready for anything!

  • Activations
  • Energy Block Release 1
  • Body preps:
    • pec stretch
    • shoulder release stretch
    • rhomboid stretch
    • iliospoas stretch
  • Dynamic squat
  • Sitting twist
  • Inner fire sequence
  • Warrior 3
  • Relaxation


Class 2: Feel great look radiant - 27mins

Create a feeling of high vitality and immunity
so strong it almost seems to glow around you.

Activation 4:00

Energy Block Release 4 4:56

Body preps:

  • pec stretch 1:14
  • psoas stretch 2:50

Cobra 2:10

Vitality sequence 4:13

Shoulderstand 3:12

Relaxation 4.58


Total running time: 87 mins approx

Region: All


Language: English
Genre: Health/wellness

E = Exempt from classification
Filmed on location in NSW Australia

Distributed by:

Produced: www.candlelightpictures.com.au

Running time: 