Awakening Shakti
Sally Kempton
The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga
In Awakening Shakti, Sally Kempton shows readers how to recognise and invite: Kali - bringer of strength and fierce love; Lakshmi - who confers prosperity and beauty; Saraswati - for clarity of communication and intuition; Radha - who carries the divine energy of spiritual longing; Bhuvaneshvari - who creates the space for sacred transformation; Parvati - to awaken creativity and the capacity to love.
Most of us, women as well as men, have yet to experience the full potential of these inner feminine energies. When you know these powers for what they are, they heighten your capacity to show up for every aspect of your life.
With a wealth of meditations, visualisations, mantras, teachings and beautifully told stories, this book provides a practical guide for activating the currents of the divine feminine in every aspect of your life.