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Dru Yoga DVD

Mansukh Patel and Coby Langford

Strengthen Your Body, Relax Your Mind, Open Your Heart
Design your own home yoga practice with a versatile choice of programmes to strengthen your body, relax your mind and open your heart.
This set of 9 body-mind yoga programmes will keep you relaxed, energised and empowered all day long.

Dru yoga techniques for men

John Jones and Mansukh Patel

Enhance inner strength, vitality and creativity

This DVD brings you powerful techniques designed to enhance your energy, strength & power to create stillness in a stressful world. With stronger sequences this series of 13 quick, easy-to-do practices is ideal for anyone looking for a more dynamic yoga session.

Dynamic Relaxation

Ruth Boaler

This remarkable Dru relaxation program helps you unwind when all else has failed! Dynamic relaxation methods involve highly soothing movements, breath and visualisations to profoundly relax and re-energise your mind, your body and your emotions. 

Easing Back Pain Yoga CD

Mansukh Patel & Coby Langford

Two of Dru Yoga’s most experienced teachers offer you highly effective 15-20 minute daily exercise programs to ease and take control of your back pain in less than 6 weeks. Why not join the many others who have overcome backpain using this powerful yoga movement sequence?

Yoga Music - Elements CD

Jolanda Yonker and Joris Vincken

Music made in heaven for relaxation, yoga and meditation. Be transported! Have your favourite yoga playlist all in one place with inspirational movement tracks and longer tracks that take you into deep peace for relaxation and meditation.

Yoga Class - Energy and Flow EBR 4

Susan Kulas

This simple, gentle Dru Yoga program is perfect for when you feel scattered by a busy day (or life), or want to feel powerful and strong in body and mind. Dru Yoga's remarkable grasp of the body-mind connection lets you wash away the effects of hours of stress in moments.

Energy in motion

Annie Jones, Andrew Wells, featuring Mansukh Patel

Includes two of Dru's most popular sequences, Saluations to the Four Directions and Salute to Dru

Intermediate to Advanced

Feel great look radiant DVD

Coby Langford and Krishna Patel

Two body-mind Dru Yoga classes to make your feel great and look radiant. As seen on Sky TV.

 Guide to Personal Freedom

Savitri MacCuish & Anita Goswami

Nine key principles for inner transformation. This book is a treasure trove of practical advice, techniques and wisdom; a guide to your personal freedom.

Yoga Class - Health and Harmony EBR 1 CD

Padma McIntyre

Discover why International Dru Yoga Teacher Padma McIntyre is passionate about the power of movement, with a program that will relieve tension and emotional blocks, leaving you feeling calm and clear. Padma co-authored the popular book Dru Yoga for all Seasons.

