Self esteem

Energy in Motion

Annie Jones, Andrew Wells, featuring Mansukh Patel

Includes two of Dru's most popular sequences, Saluations to the Four Directions and Salute to Dru

Intermediate to Advanced


Gayatri Mudra sequence

Welcome! This special sequence is designed to bring light to your mind and energy system. 

It's a special gift to you, and I hope it gives you a wonderful way to connect to your inner self - and then let the energy from your inner core illuminate your mind and energise your prana.

Dru Yoga - the extended runner

Dru Yoga - the extended runner

There are many ways to work with this posture to gain long term health benefits. Here are some of them! 

This posture is used within the Sun Sequence and also as a great body preparation for the illiopsoas muscle for postures like the Lord of the Dance (Natarajasana ), the Camel and the Bow.

Energy in motion

Annie Jones, Andrew Wells, featuring Mansukh Patel

Includes two of Dru's most popular sequences, Saluations to the Four Directions and Salute to Dru

Intermediate to Advanced

Meditation class - Chakra Dharanam Part 1

Chris Barrington

Since ancient times, people have used chakra meditation, concentration [dharanam] and visualisation to unlock their hidden potential. Internationally renowned teacher Chris Barrington will lead you through a 2-part program that can transform your life. Build strength, purpose and confidence and let go of old emotional hurts.


Surya Namaskara

This is one of my personal all time favourties in yoga, because it gives you a fantastic body work out and you can adjust it to your own needs and abilities particular as Dru Yoga offers so many modifications.


Here are the benefits!

Surya Namascara gives you physical stamina, a fantastic improvement in flexibility and an overall toning of the body. You don’t need go to the noisy gym and you can put your favourite music on and do yoga from home, or you can go out in the beauty of nature.

Building Self Esteem

Imagine you are about to face a very challenging situation, yet you manage to meet it with such self assurance that you not only succeed in what you want to do but the others involved feel good about it as well.  

This is self-esteem in action, and you can cultivate this quality yourself and one of the most effective ways to do this is through the art of yoga.



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