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Quiet Times MP3 - guided meditation

Chris Barrington

Learn easy meditation techniques that will prepare you for a lifetime of successful meditation.

CD Shanti


Jane Saraswati Clapham and Dru singers

A selection of soothing songs and relaxing mantras from India.


Jolanda Jonker and Joris Vincken

FITNESS YOGA - strengthen, tone and energise

Coby Langford

Discover the unique "Dru Power Sequence" in this 60 minute workout

Chakra Dharanam MP3 - Part 1

Chris Barrington


Dru Meditation DVD

Andrew Wells and Noelene Francis

As seen on Body in Balance TV, Sky 275

Soothe your mind and relax your emotions with this spectacularly filmed DVD.

Elements MP3

Jolanda Jonker and Joris Vincken

Music made in heaven for relaxation, yoga and meditation. Have your favourite yoga playlist all on one album.

Easing Back Pain

Mansukh Patel & Coby Langford

Develop highly effective 15-20 minute daily exercise programmes to help you ease and take control of your back pain within 6...

Nag Champa Incense Dru Yoga Shop

Nag Champa Incense 15g box

Nag Champa is a hand-rolled...

Superhit Incense 15g Box

Superhit Incense 15g Box (20 sticks)

Dance between Joy and Pain

The Dance between Joy and Pain

Mansukh Patel, Rita Goswami, Chris Barrington, Savitri MacCuish & Louise Rowan

The best-selling guide to emotional mastery - revised and...

Cooking with Love

Keith Squires

‘Cooking with Love’ means just that—turning an everyday activity into something magical.

Energy in Motion

Annie Jones, Andrew Wells, featuring Mansukh Patel

Includes two of Dru's most popular sequences, Saluations to the Four Directions and Salute to Dru


Eat, Breathe, Conceive

Eat, Breathe, Conceive

Eat, Breathe, Conceive - Rika Lukac

Rika Lukac explains how yoga and a special diet (including superfoods) bring balance to the body and mind, increasing your chances...

World Peace Flame cards - pack of 5

Give the gift of peace to your love ones and friends by using World Peace Flame cards as your Christmas cards. You will not only give a very special message of light to those...
