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Subtle ambient music for meditation and relaxation. The pieces are designed to help you reach your own inner space of stillness.

Health & Harmony with EBR 1

Padma McIntyre

Padma is a senior tutor on the International Dru Yoga Teacher Training Course, and co-author of the book Dru Yoga for all Seasons.

Stillness in Motion

Chris Barrington, Anita Goswami, Annie Jones, foreword by Mansukh Patel.

Body-mind yoga at its best - 
the ultimate yoga lifestyle guide.

This indispensable yoga...

Total Body Workout Dru Yoga DVD

Dru Yoga's Total Body Workout DVD will remove your stress, trim your weight and leave you feeling on top of the world! Filmed on Australia's glorious New South Wales coast,...

The Freedom of the Bhagavad Gita

Mansukh Patel

This lightweight, pocket sized hardbound Gita is your perfect hand-bag or office-desk companion. It brings you the Gita's verses and a profoundly...

Dru Bhagavad Gita Vol 1 (eBook) - The Greatest Warrior

Chris Barrington, John Jones, Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel

The Dru Bhagavad Gita is a call to action. It invites you to make your life exhilarating in a way that...

Dru Bhagavad Gita Vol 2 - The Hero's Quest

Chris Barrington, John Jones, Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel

The Dru Bhagavad Gita is a call to action. It invites you to make your life exhilarating in a way that...

Dru Bhagavad Gita Vol 3 - Arjuna's Victory

Chris Barrington, John Jones, Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel

The Dru Bhagavad Gita is a call to action. It invites you to make your life exhilarating in a way that...

The flame that transforms - Mansukh Patel et al

The Flame that Transforms

Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel & Andrew Wells

With a foreword by Mark Victor Hansen (author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul') this book is an exciting read—telling...

Guide to Personal Freedom

Savitri MacCuish & Anita Goswami

Awakening the Heart with EBR 3

Anita Goswami presents Dru Yoga's Energy Block Release 3 (EBR 3). Use this yoga CD to strengthen the powerful field of energy surrounding your heart, and so boosting every...

Believe in Yourself

Mansukh Patel

High self-esteem and confidence are inherent within us all...

Chakra Dharanam MP3 - Part 2

Chris Barrington

Reduced to clear!

For thousands of years yogis and mystics have used chakra meditation, concentration, and visualisations as a means to access...

Deep Relaxation

Anita Goswami

Learning to activate a deep body and mind relaxation response whenever necessary is a quick and easy way to reduce everyday stress and tension. 

Relaxation -Dru Star Energisation CD

Dru Star Energisation

Rita Goswami

Inner Freedom - 4 stage relaxation (MP3)

By Rita Goswami

It's said that 90% of your potential lies hidden away inside your subconscious.

Meditations on Light  - guided meditations to soothe and uplift cd

Meditations on light

Savitri MacCuish and Andrew Wells

Relax, boost your energy, and get back into the driving seat of your life with 5 easy-to-use guided meditations.
