Dru Yoga back care course
Dru relaxation
Dru Yoga back care course
Back Care & Wellbeing Course for Social Prescribing
This research-based course is open to all qualified yoga teachers and will cover common stress management and wellbeing issues centred around back pain, anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
You will learn easy-to-apply yoga solutions facilitating myofascial stretching, gradual muscle strengthening and healthy breathing. Practical application of the latest research around the many functions of the vagus nerve will give you a deep and nuanced understanding of the human relaxation response.
What does the course include?
16 hours live online teaching (and the downloadable replays of these sessions) at least 10 hours of downloadable teaching sessions to engage within your own time.
Working in small groups with tutor guidance on issues arising from case studies plus other topics drawn from yoga and medical understanding.
Comprehensive 50 page manual – including teaching plans, medical guidelines and background research.
Lucy bannister,
dru yoga teacher, West yorkshire
I enrolled on the Dru Yoga Back Care Course because I have suffered with back pain for many years, and I know how amazing Dru Yoga can be in preventing and reducing back pain. The course has given me the knowledge and confidence to teach specific classes for those with back pain, and to bring my learning into my normal classes. It has also helped me personally by giving me a deeper understanding of my own pain and the behaviours associated with it. It was a process of discovery and learning that I feel privileged to have been able to undertake, and I look forward to passing on the benefits to my students.
What will you learn?
3 extensive and progressive yoga programmes on which to base your classes
programmes for wellbeing.
Trauma sensitive and compassionate teaching approach.
Insights into the latest research on the many functions of the vagus nerve, musculo-fascial release, the psoas muscle.
New approaches to using breathing and relaxation techniques.
Where can it take you?
This course will revolutionise the way you’re teaching your current yoga classes.
You will be confident to start teaching in companies or other workplace settings.
You will be equipped to start teaching in the NHS, social prescribing and other contexts.
Some of the course tutors are part of national workgroup setting standards for social prescribing.
How many CPD points will you get?
This course will give you 50 CPD points.
Develop and deepen your teaching skills
The course will include a combination of lectures, practical yoga and teaching sessions with time to practice the skills you are learning
Reflective practice portfolio assignment between weekends one and two and small group practical assessments on the final day.
One of the cornerstones of the current understanding of managing back pain is that movement is very important! It is our intention that by the end of the two weekend programme you will feel very capable in your capacity as a yoga teacher to help many people to move safely with greater ease, comfort and confidence. You will be able to select appropriately for the students who attend the lessons from the wide range of materials offered in the three lesson templates. These are designed to progressively add more challenge as students become more trusting of their bodies.
Work with people who experience back pain
This course will give you all the confidence you need
Course syllabus
- Current medical management of low back and neck pain
- NICE ( National Institute for Clinical Excellence) guidelines for back care
- Guidance on teaching back care classes
- Back care registration questionnaire
- Practical experience of level 1,2 & 3 classes
- Experience the power of effective relaxation techniques for those with back pain
- A fresh look at core stability
- The bio psychosocial model (peoples personal experience of their back pain)
- Obstacles to getting better
- Screening tools
- The 15%: specific pathologies problems that can arise in each tissue and area of the spine
- Red flags
- Fascia, myofascial pathways and yoga
- Nervous system and neurodynamics
- Referred symptoms from the spine
- Common medication used in management of back pain
- The Yoga therapy model
- Business opportunities
Increase knowledge and confidence for teaching yoga to students with back problems
Course materials
You will be provided with a course manual, pdf templates of class plans, home practice sheets to give to your students and a pre-class health questionnaire.