Dru Yoga in the workplace
Personal Health Consultations with our Dru Health specialists
Dru Yoga in the workplace
Taking Dru Yoga into the workplace
Now is the time to create positive health in the workplace. We spend much of our lives at work. Many of the everyday ailments of the modern workplace like stress, back problems and headaches lead to lack of concentration and productivity.
Hazel Y
Architectural designer, UK
My job demands as an architectural designer were intense and stressful, but after I started a regular course in Dru the quality of my life started to change.
Thanks to my regular Dru Yoga practice, I am able to meet the challenges at work head on. I am now actually enjoying delivering presentations to important clients and closing a deal, whereas before I sometimes felt like crumbling under the pressure! I have clearer focus to prepare and organise my busy schedules, and as a result I seem to have more time in a day.
Dru gives me more energy, makes me a brighter and a more creative person all round and made my recent move abroad to the Middle East a breeze.
And the good news is, Dru Yoga is easy, you don't have to be able to do the lotus to start to practise. Just Dru it!
How Dru can help
As a Dru Yoga teacher, we can create health and wellbeing in the workplace. The difference for the work team is, it's fun, it’s sustainable and the methods, when applied, really do work! As Dru Yoga teachers we can offer bespoke sessions in the workplace where we can train staff in effective Dru techniques. Our entertaining and highly practical workshops will give employers and employees strategies to cope with stress and tension.
- Education - understanding the key principles of wellbeing and lifestyle factors that affect it.
- Training – identifying organisational & personal needs and apply effective practical techniques to prevent burnout and promote long term health.
Workplace workshop topics can include
- burnout prevention
- relieving back pain
- increase clarity, creativity and focus
- stress reduction
- movement for improved energy levels, mood, concentration and performance
What people say...
Read more about the many benefits people are experiencing from Dru workplace programmes.
Why would employers choose Dru Yoga
Dru Yoga can bring improvements in the the health and well-being of staff and as a result, improve the workplace environment and productivity. Research shows improvements in the following:
- physical, mental and emotional health
- management of stress and anxiety
- concentration & clarity of mind
- clear perception & decision-making
- self-confidence
- personal productivity
- fitness, health and well-being.