Join the DPN
Neelke, Ned and Christiane, Dru Yoga teachers
Student teacher posters
Join the DPN
Join the DPN
One of the great advantages of the Dru Yoga or Dru Meditation teacher training courses, is the continued support and inspiration you receive not only during your course, but also after graduation.
Be a part of a supportive network in the DPN
Registered Yoga teacher based in UK - Click to join online | £65 |
Student Yoga teacher based in UK - Click to join online | £45 |
Registered Meditation (only) teacher | £45 |
Associate Member (non teaching) see below for more information | £45 |
Registered Yoga and Meditation teacher based in UK - Click to join online | £65 |
Registered teacher not based in UK - download form or contact DPN office for discount code to then join online | £35 |
Student teacher not based in UK - download form or contact DPN office for discount code to then join online | £25 |
Joining or renewing as a Registered teacher member of the DPN
- Have you passed your final assessment and completed all your assignments for your course?
- You should have had an invitation letter from the DPN.
- If you passed over a year ago, is your CPD up to date?
- Please send in your CPD record if you are renewing your DPN Membership and you completed your course more than a year ago. (There is no CPD requirement in your first year after completing your course, so usually your first renewal does not require CPD) Click here to read all about CPD
- You are eligible to join the DPN as a Registered teacher. Click here to renew or join if you are based in the UK
- If you are not based in the UK please request the discount code to join / renew online
- You can always use the paper form - all at the bottom of the page
Joining as a Student teacher member or renewing your Student membership
Click here for guidelines for joining the DPN and teaching whilst on your DYTT course
- You can join the DPN as a Student teacher once you have passed your interim assessment.
- You can only renew once as a Student teacher as you need to pass your assessment within a year of completing your training
- Click here to join or renew Student DPN membership - please change the default to Student
- If you are not based in the UK please request the discount code to join / renew online
- You can always use the paper form - all at the bottom of the page
Joining as an Associate member
- Have you completed your Dru Yoga teacher training course but do not want to teach?
- Do you enjoy using the Online Studio and Dru Star Lounge?
- Do you want to keep in touch with the Dru Professional Network and future post grad events with the DPN discount?
- Do you want up to 30% discount on Dru products from the Dru Shop?
If the answer to these questions is "Yes", then the associate membership is for you. You get all the benefits of the DPN except those associated with teaching (ie posters and access to the special rate insurance deal). There is no code of conduct, as you won't be teaching, just a whole series of benefits! If you decide to teach at a future date, then by being an Associate member, you'll find it much easier to become a DPN Registered Teacher member.
Click here to join as an associate member
Joining as a Dru Meditation Teacher (only)
- Have you completed your Dru Meditation Teacher training and passed your assessment?
- Have your read and agreed to the code of conduct?
- Complete and return this form >> - coming soon online
Please read your Code of Professional Conduct before joining
Go to inspiring CPD events
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
If you have been qualified for more than a year, you will need to have evidence of relevant CPD if you are renewing your Registered Teacher DPN membership.
There are lots of different ways of getting your CPD points
Click here to find out more about CPD
Dru Professional Network
Support and inspiration for you - and so much more ...
Phone 01248 602900 ext 217