Karma Weeks

Karma Yoga weeks

Some of the most routine jobs can be so much fun when they are done together. And they are even more fulfilling when you also come together to share food, have fun and even do a little yoga or meditation.



Karma Yoga weeks are also a great way to make new friends that can support you in living a more healthy and positive life. 

Karma Yoga activities can include: 
•    Vegetarian cooking
•    Gardening and environmental projects
•    Maintenance
•    Contributing to our peace initiatives
•    Cleaning
•    Marketing or PR
•    Online work
•    Social media

•    B & B bookings and reception
•    Shop assistance
•    Event organizing
•    Administration
•    Video creation
•    Carpentry
•    Human resources
•    Graphics, video or photography

Karma yoga = service = contribution = teamwork = being part of a community

If you are interested please contact Alison Boyle, HR Manager at the Dru Centre for Health and Wellbeing on +44 (0)1248 602900 or