Postgraduate Mastery course
Go profoundly deeper into your yoga and learn how to strengthen, heal and master each chakra, on each kosha level.
For graduates only
There will be a strong therapeutic component in which you can learn how to use the subtle energy awareness of Dru Yoga to balance and heal your life. This will be invaluable for you if you do the Dru Yoga Therapy course in the future.
Andrew Wells
Co-director, Dru Australia
Module 1 - Dru Yoga for health
We work through the chakras from base to top at the physical layer and if time allows include some of the pranic layer. You’ll learn how to work with specific postures and sequences to strengthen or balance each chakra. We’ll explore how these postures and sequences affect your physical body and subtle energy, and give you preliminary exercises for expanding your ability to work with subtle energy.
Module 2 - Yoga psychology for health & wellbeing
We work again through the chakras from base to top, this time focusing on the pranic and emotive layers, learning how to use the postures and sequences we explored in the first module at these more subtle levels. You’ll experience how this gives you much greater power for achieving long-term health and wellbeing.
You’ll learn how each chakra is the part of our mind that controls crucial aspects of life (abundance/vitality, relating, achieving goals, building harmony, knowing the right thing to do, discerning your role in life, achieving unity). So we’ll explore in depth how to harness this power to dramatically enhance the effects we studied in module one for creating optimum health and healing dis-ease.
On this course we'll explore in depth how to harness the power of the chakras to create optimum health and heal dis-ease
And then we'll go on to explore how yoga helps you redesign any aspect of your life.
These first two modules will give you the foundation principles so you can use a class situation as an effective environment to help people (and yourself) manage their body-mind-emotions in a whole new way. You’ll be able to help them achieve greater health and heal dis-ease – regardless of their experience in yoga or familiarity with its language. You will have the essential principles to be able to use essentially physical language to create immensely powerful programmes.
Module 3 – successfully design your life with Dru
You’ve explored the body-mind and its health in the last two modules. Now we’ll go on to explore how yoga helps you redesign any aspect of your life that you’d like! Naturally this will also help you add even more potency to the therapeutic principles we studied in the last two modules. Relationships, abundance, achieving goals, communication… you name it, yoga can help you succeed in it!
Find out more and apply
You will receive a certificate in Dru Yoga postgraduate studies, as well as 12 hours CPD (teaching skills training).