Explore the Dru Meditation Online Success course
So you've read about our Meditation Online Success course but want to know more about the content? We've compiled the summary below to help you decide whether this is a course for you.
With the answer being an obvious 'yes!', but don't take our word for it - read on below.
Months one to nine
- Meditation quick start - get started in meditation fast: relax with ease anywhere, anytime, even when you're highly stressed; learn how to sit with energy, comfort and alertness
- Breathing and energy - use your breath to meditate easily, and start a 4-month breathing course to bring you full energy, including abdominal, chest and clavicular breathing, leading to full 3-stage breathing
- Mental fitness 1 - effortless concentration techniques
- Meditation for overcoming stress
- Meditation for self esteem
- Meditations to achieve your goals
- Meditations for building emotional intelligence 1
- Meditations for building emotional intelligence 2
- Meditations for boosting your brainpower
Month by month
Month 1 - Meditation quick start
Sample content from the Dru Meditation Online Success Course
This month we aim to get you meditating as quickly as possible. You'll begin learning the art of relaxing, quickly, anywhere, anytime, even when you're really stressed. You'll also learn how to sit comfortably, in a way that makes you alert as well as relaxed. It feels great!
And what makes it easy to meditate? We'll give you 12 key principles successful meditators have used through the ages.
Movement programme: We'll start teaching you a comprehensive movement course, to align your posture, remove aches and pains, and enhance your body's vitality and immunity. And as an extra bonus: it has the potential to assist most back problems and head aches.
Meditation downloads: Dru Deep Relaxation CD, sides 1 and 2; Sitting with Energy 1 (EBR stretches and sitting 1), provided to you in mp3 format.
View sample pages;(pdf, 360kB)
Angela Baker
Dru Meditation teacher
Month 2 - Breathing and energy
Did anyone ever teach you how to breathe? Proper breathing keeps you awake, brings you clarity, emotional balance and high vitality. It also helps you relax. Useful? We'd say so!
This month you'll start a 4-month breathing course to bring you full energy, including abdominal, chest and clavicular breathing, leading to the 3-stage full breath.
Movements: By the end of this month you'll have nearly completed a thorough, full-body Energy Block Release sequence that clears aches and pains as well as blockages of emotional and mental energy. Remarkably, it clears many of the thoughts that distract you in meditation. We still use it every day, even after many decades of meditating.
Just because it works so well.
Meditation downloads: Breath Awareness & Sitting; Breath Awareness - with a favourite word; Letting go in five breaths.
Prithvi Dharanam
Grounding breathing
Month 3 – Mental fitness 1: Effortless concentration
Did you know that concentration doesn't need to be a struggle? All of us are great at concentration - if we're interested in what we're focusing on.
This month is packed with methods to help you build your 'mental muscles' and make your concentration so much easier. And your improved concentration will spin-off into many areas of your life.
You'll learn kinesthetic, audio and visual concentration techniques, as well as the powerful grounding breathing technique to help you keep your emotional balance even when you feel like going wild.
Movements: You'll complete the Energy Block Release sequence and discover how to choose an optimum meditation preparation programme.
Meditation downloads: Prithvi Dharanam – grounding breathing, Sound Awareness meditation.
Andrew Wells
Director Dru Australia, enjoying a Dru relaxation
Month 4 - Meditations to overcome stress
Learn to love your stress in this fascinating month. The first two weeks teach you how to relax, fast yet peacefully building on how you have done this in month one. And the second two weeks give you the powerful Increasing the Frame meditation which helps you re-programme your unconscious so you don't get so stressed in the first place. And, ahhh, yes… you'll also learn the soothing Waves of Peace relaxation, designed for stress-athletes who are so revved up they can’t possibly concentrate on a relaxation technique.
Movement: The heart expansion breath can be used to strengthen self love and used for easing sadness, anger and grief.
Meditation downloads: Waves of Peace relaxation, Increasing the Frame meditation, Dissolve into an Ocean of Peacefulness, and much more.
View sample pages (pdf, 415kB)
yoga teacher
A very worthwhile investment you won't regret.
Month 5 - Meditations for self esteem
This month you’ll discover how meditation causes self esteem to arise by itself. You'll learn Vertical Alignment breathing and how to tap into the infinite power of the human heart. And if this weren't enough, you'll explore the Rolls Royce of Dru: the Introspection technique. This powerful practice helps you discover that you already have all your own answers, giving you the power to redesign your day. Literally!
Movement: Sternum rising stretches to open the heart
Meditation downloads: Vertical Alignment Breath, Heartspace Energisation, Introspection technique, and more.
'There are many things in life that will catch your eye, but only a few will catch your heart... pursue those'
- Authour unknown
Month 6 - Meditations to achieve your goals
Now your meditation - and your life - is really ready to take flight. In the last five months we've built an unshakeable foundation. Now it's time to harness it towards achieving your most important goals. You'll explore meditations to define your goals, harness the law of intention and then understand how to use the quantum field to develop your goals. The beautiful Pebble meditation will help you prioritise your goals and maybe give you some surprises. And then we refine last month's Heartspace Energisation to empower your goals. Bon Voyage!
Movement: This month you will focus on consolidating the movement techniques you’ve learnt so far.
Meditation downloads: Pebble meditation, Heartspace Actualise Your Goals!
When can I start?
Today! When you sign up we'll send you the first month's course contents on the same day.
View sample pages (pdf, 352kB)
Month 7 - Meditation for building emotional intelligence 1
Beginning a 2-month exploration of emotional mastery, in this month you will discover how meditation can help you build a higher perspective and rest within a greater inner strength.
Plus this 9-month series also has:
Dru meditation for successful relationships
- Meditations for Building Emotional Intelligence 2
- Meditations for Boosting Your Brainpower
Months 10 to 16 will continue with topics including:
- Meditations for Boosting Your Brainpower 2
- Healing the Body / Managing Pain
- Building Radiant Vitality – (also including overcoming burnout, chronic fatigue or depression)
- Meditation for Successful Relationships
- Intuitive Leadership Skills