About the Dru Organisation
At Dru we're passionate about positive health and wellbeing. We also aim to take yoga off the mat and give back to the world. You can be part of our global community and get FREE health & wellbeing tips, inspiration & news on Dru events.
The Dru team is an energetic and fresh-thinking group of inspired individuals who aim to inspire a naturally healthier way of living for everybody, from young to old, from all walks of life.
We are founded upon the ideal of making a positive contribution to the world in which we live so we operate as a not-for-profit. With yoga and meditation at our core, we also care deeply about nutrition, therapeutic remedies and relieving the stresses of everyday living.
Dru Yoga is at the heart of what we do
Since our birth as a not-for-profit organisation 30 years ago, when a small group of idealistic university students sought to change the world, we have grown internationally, and now run organic food and natural remedy shops and organise yoga courses and retreats across the globe - from Canada to Australia.
Here at Dru we are eager to inspire a healthier way of living for everybody.
Our aim has always been to promote a positive, healthier and more peaceful existence for adults and children alike, giving back to the community by channelling resources into good causes.
These good causes too have grown and, with the help of our volunteers, we now support a variety of community projects around the world. From sponsored medical clinics in India, to setting up fairtrade initiatives in Africa, we aim to help communities and individuals who are less fortunate than ourselves.
The major passion we share is our love for yoga and meditation. It is through these media that we initially wanted to inspire the world and the community around us to find a healthier, happier, more empowered way of living. Of course we recognise these are only two of the many routes to achieving a more fulfilling existence. However they remain at the very core of what we do here at Dru.
Organisation & finances
The central aim of the Dru organisation’s mission is to provide education and training in self-help approaches to health and wellbeing at every level. To do this effectively Dru has become an international organisation with centres in the UK, Continental Europe, India and Australasia.
We fulfil our mission as not for profit organisations, and support a number of charitable and not for profit projects including anti bullying and peace education in schools and medical camps in India.
Body and mind
Dru Body & Mind
Dru Yoga & Meditation are at the core of what we do here at Dru.
The major passion we all shared is our love for yoga and meditation. It is through these practices that we initially wanted to help the world and community around us find a healthier, happier, more empowered way of living.
Of course, we recognise these are only two of the many routes to achieving a more fulfilling existence. However, they remain at the very core of what we do here at Dru. We call these aspects Dru Body & Mind.
Dru yoga session
Dru Yoga
With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition and its emphasis on soft, flowing movements, Dru Yoga can help increase energy levels, ease back pain, and wash away stress.
Designed to be practised by people of all abilities, fitness levels and age groups, it is a style of yoga that can be quickly dipped into or learnt in more depth over a lifetime. It is now taught in many different countries, and as such has helped us become one of the largest yoga organisations in the world. As hundreds of our students are finding every day, at its most simple, Dru Yoga helps relieve the pressures of modern living.
therapist, UK
Having just experienced a Dru Dance workshop, I feel so empowered! The quality of teaching was excellent, the movement sequences were flowing and graceful, and the rhythms were fun. I thoroughy enjoyed it.
Dru Dance
Dru Dance is a more energetic, stress-busting form of Dru Yoga that blends the benefits of yoga and dance.
Moving with music from funk to soothing rhythms, it’s invigorating, exhilarating and guaranteed to wipe away cobwebs!
Dru Meditation
If you’re feeling agitated, Dru Meditation will bring you calmness. If you’re feeling exhausted, it will give you energy. If you’re feeling anxious, it will bring you peace.
And most importantly, Dru Meditation will help you find that still place, with its sense of fullness, achievement and its deep healing properties, that only yoga and meditation can bring.
Dru Meditation retreat experience
The retreat gave me a few days away from my normal world where I could again experience the power of my own heart, my true nature. Even though you have a very enjoyable and fruitful life, sometimes you need to step outside of it to realise just what you have.
Worklife balance
When you work smart, you have time & energy for those things you love and value.
Worklife balance
Tired of trying to juggle worktime, family time and YOU time? Here at Dru we believe that worklife balance is about smart working and giving time and energy to those things that you love and value.
Learn to prioritise, manage time, de-stress quickly and, above all, learn to step back from what’s happening around you and make clear decisions from a point of inner calm. It‘s all part of the tried and tested Dru package.
Sound and mantra
The Power of Sound
If you've ever felt as though you can't sing, Dru Sound will help you to find your natural voice. Learn how to stabilise your voice, develop voice control, evenness of sound and how to project your voice with confidence, power and impact.
Gain confidence in communication skills, public speaking and singing.
Excited to know more?
Need more information about our courses and retreats?
Health and nutrition
Dru Health
Dru Ayurveda
There are many ways to gain a healthier, more fulfilling lifestyle. Yoga and meditation are a good start. Equally important is how fully we nourish ourselves, from the food and drink we take in to the time we take out—treating ourselves to therapies that relax the body and retreats that lift the spirit.
It’s these nurturing aspects of finding a healthier, happier lifestyle, that we call Dru Health & Nutrition.
Dru online store publications
books, ebooks, CDs, DVDs
Over the past 20 years, Dru has published a wide variety of books, recorded a catalogue of CDs and DVDs, and now sells everything from natural foods to yoga mats. It’s all a way of helping people find a better, healthier, more peaceful way to live.
What’s more, since Dru’s conception, we have always given a percentage of our profits to aid the many and varied good causes we support around the world.
Whether you’re after yoga, meditation or health, information or inspiration, Dru Publications offers you a comprehensive range of books and manuals.
If it’s a slightly quicker fix you’re in need of—from finding out exactly what’s happening with our various ongoing projects to catching up with the whereabouts of some of our yoga teachers—then Dru Talk, our newsletter, will keep you in touch. Likewise send us your comments. We welcome dialogue and who knows, you might even find your letter in print! We look forward to hearing from you.
Our Dru Media products provide everything you need to help strengthen your body and rejuvenate your mind and spirit—all in the comfort of your own home. Yoga DVDs, soothing music and meditation CDs, plus digital downloads, give you the most effective and interactive means of practising the many techniques that you have seen or learned from us here at Dru.
You can buy them online and from our various outlets.
Not for profit projects
World Peace Flame
Snowdon Lodge, N Wales
Right from the beginning we wanted to create a worldwide network of empowered individuals working together to make a difference to the world in which we live. We believe that in giving back to the wider community and helping individuals less fortunate than ourselves, we help to create a better, more understanding environment.
Dru Not For Profit Projects is a global range of initiatives into which we channel a percentage of our resources, time and effort. From working with inner city youth and running worklife balance programmes to creating free medical camps in India, de-traumatisation training for NGOs in Nepal and supporting the World Peace Flame, it’s our way of helping to change the world for the better.
Climate Change
The Dru Climate Change project aims to tackle the issue of climate change head on.
The website offers over 100 practical ways in which we, as individuals, can reduce our own carbon footprint and bring a change to attitudes and our way of living at a grassroots level. It aims to empower us all, showing us how our earth’s climate is also linked to our human climate, and how when we improve either one of them we also improve the other.
volunteer - have fun!
We are able to achieve so much at Dru because of the help of our many enthusiastic volunteers—from builders, graphic designers, cooks and students working in our centres around the world to Dru Yoga teachers taking their skills free of charge to deprived inner city areas.
It is the generosity, friendship and love shown by these people that best illustrates what we are all trying to achieve here at Dru—positive change for a better world.
World Peace Flame
Humble individual effort can change the world...
Charity Support
Dru supports a number of charities. The World Peace Flame is an eternal flame which has, to date, inspired millions of people from all over the world to believe that they as individuals do make a difference. The Flame champions values such as inner strength, determination and humility in resolving conflict of any sort. Political and religious leaders alike, people from all walks of life, from every nation, faith and social standing have lit the World Peace Flame and use it as a means of creating bridges and promoting peace.
This belief that humble individual effort can change the world as a whole is why we support the World Peace Flame Foundation so strongly.
From setting up medical camps in India and sourcing fair trade goods from Africa to feeding the homeless on our doorstep, our Outreach Projects show Dru at its best. They rely on the team work, determination and the numerous skills of our many volunteers all over the world.
Interested in finding out more?
Talk to us for more information on any of our courses, products, projects