Try Dru Yoga now

Try Dru Yoga now

Enjoy these Dru Yoga videos

Here are a few videos to give you an experience of what you'll learn on the Dru Yoga teacher training course. We believe a yoga teacher training course should prepare you to use - and teach - yoga to bring you success in any area of your life.


One of Dru Yoga's unique features is that you can choose to boost any aspect of your wellbeing you'd like:

  • Physically - get fit, lose weight, feel great, heal your back, improve your breathing, clear aches and pains of every kind, boost your energy, clear fatigue... well, we could go on... Did you see our research results ?
  • Emotionally - want more courage? Or more compassion? Tolerance? Ability to feel confident under pressure? Gain more passion or inner balance? Dru will do it for you!
  • Mentally - think of a quality you'd like to have more of: eg clear thinking, creativity, memory, sensitivity, wisdom, communication, being more grounded or lighter than air... There will be a Dru Yoga sequence or posture to cultivate exactly this within your mind. Helpful set of skills to have, wouldn't you say? 

Dru Inner Fire sequence

This excerpt from the Dru DVD, Feel Great Look Radiant, lives up to it's name. Transform any painful emotion into a positive one, feel fit and get back on the highwire!
Please do some warm-up stretches before you begin...







Sitting Twist posture

Want to rest in stillness and know that you're more fit as a result? Relax into the Sitting Twist posture with us.
If you aren't already warmed up, please only move as far as is comfortable for your body. Dru's motto is, 'no pain, no pain'. Enjoy!







Dru relaxation

Lie down and relax as we guide you through 5 minutes of bliss on an Australian beach...
On the Dru Yoga teacher training course you'll learn Dru's innovative and powerful approach to relaxation: relaxing each layer of awareness in turn - physical, subtle energy, emotional and mental.







Dru Meditation

Dru Yoga teacher training includes a complete meditation course. Here's just one example of the many potent meditations you'll learn.
Dru Meditation is for busy people!







Dru Online Studio

Experience the joy and benefits of Dru Yoga in your living room. Try it now! Right now the Dru Online Studio has a 30 day free trial.

Dru Yoga Online offers everybody the chance to experience the relaxing and revitalizing pleasure of Dru Yoga at just a click of a button and with classes by Dru's top international tutors. Class topics cover just about everything - from a great workout and a total de-stress, to soothing relaxations, weight loss series and confidence boosters.

If you are a yoga teacher already you can use the online studio for inspiration or to get ideas for your own classes.

Once you become a Dru Professional Network student member, you get the first four months free, and a greatly reduced subscription from then on.

We want you to succeed!


Ready to take the next step?

So you've tried Dru Yoga from the comfort of your home? If you loved it, you'll probably love the live experience even more. Here's some ideas for where to go next.


And don't forget, if you have any questions you can speak to our friendly Dru office staff by calling (02) 6161 1462.


You can also get in touch via email:

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