Try Dru Meditation

Try Dru Meditation

Meditation doesn’t have to be boring, difficult or uncomfortable. It can help you focus your mind, keep calm and feel positive and uplifted. Plus, it doesn’t need to take too long – even 10 minutes can make a huge difference.



Hazel Y

Architectural designer

Thanks to my regular Dru practice, I am able to meet challenges at work head on. I am now actually enjoying delivering presentations to important clients and closing a deal, whereas before I sometimes felt like crumbling!

Free Dru Meditation videos and techniques

Click to explore the many benefits of meditation with the free videos and techniques below:


Free Dru Meditation videos:

  1. Sky meditation (10 mins) > 
  2. Meditation - Still your body and mind >
  3. The Art of Meditation - Class 1 >
  4. Be the Change meditation >

Get started with these easy-to-do meditation techniques:

  1. Rise and shine >
  2. Relax body and mind >
  3. Stress busting technique >


Discover Dru Meditation in depth...

Dru Meditation is a journey of self discovery. Find out more...


Balance and manage your emotions with Dru Meditation


Free Meditation Videos

Meditation is something to be taken off the mat and into your every day life, but sometimes it's hard to know where to start. On this page we've shared with you some of our favourite meditations. Dru Meditation can help develop clear thinking, creativity, excellent memory, sensitivity, wisdom and good communication.



1. Sky Meditation video

The Sky Meditation helps you regain your perspective on life, broaden your vision, lift your eyes from a situation in which you are caught up in and see life from a higher. Use it when you want to regain your enjoyment of life and all of those great things that are really important to you. 

This 10 minute guided meditation leaves you deeply relaxed, soothed and at peace with your world. Made especially for busy people, this is a quick, potent meditation that guides you effortlessly into a profound stillness - at home, in the office or out in nature. 

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2. Meditation - Still your body and mind video

In this complete Dru Yoga and Meditation class you will find out how to prepare your body for meditation.

Select the right sitting posture for your body – either on a chair on the floor and learn how to align your body to make sure that you’re comfortable yet alert. You will then be guided through a simple but effective meditation technique to release stress, based on the breath. This meditation will help you keep alert yet relaxed at the same time, and will help keep your mind still and stress-free.

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3. The Art of Meditation - Class 1 video

Learn the sacred art of meditation from Chris Barrington,a Dru Meditation master and teacher trainer.

Relaxation is the key to meditation. If you can relax, your nervous system will settle, the heart rate will slow down, the breathing will deepen, and gradually you will enter into a beautiful quiet place.

In this class, Chris guides us in the understanding of the mind and how it relates to meditation. Discover your perfect sitting alignment and enjoy an introductory meditation.

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4. 'Be the Change' meditation video

Welcome to this meditation video called 'Be the change' - the result of our Selfies for Peace meditation project where we invited you to send us your selfie as a way of contributing to peace.

The meditation invites you to turn the tables a little, and explore the world from another's point of view. By discovering the highest in the people around us we are more likely to experience these very qualities in our own life - and make a great contribution to our world along the way.

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Discover more about Dru Meditation

Dru Meditation is about finding your inner still point. Find out more...


Bring meditation into your everday life - become mindful of your actions


Free meditation techniques

Dru Meditation is the perfect way to find mental clarity and emotional balance. The following three techniques can be easily fitted into the start of a busy day. 

Meditation can often be seen as sitting still with your eyes closed, however taking meditation into your life in the form of mindfullness is essential our selves and our communities. Get started with these easy-to-do Dru Meditation techniques. 


1. Rise and shine

Rise and shine - enjoying Dru Meditation outside

Dru Meditation

Feel the power of gratitude

When you wake up in the morning, completely relax your body for one minute, while you’re still lying in bed. Think of 5 things you’re really grateful for today. Take time to absorb the feeling of gratitude and let it spread through your body and mind. When you're ready gently sit up and wrap your duvet around you.

Bring your attention to your breathing and let it get deeper without forcing it at all. Focus on your heart chakra and feel warmth spreading through your body as you breathe. Continue for five minutes, then stretch (ideally a Dru Yoga sequence!) and start your day.

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2. Relax body and mind

Angela Baker - Dru Meditation outside

Dru Meditation

Relax body and mind

Dru Yoga is a powerful tool to help you relax. It systematically stretches and relaxes the muscles using graceful, flowing movements which bring calmness and increased energy. I often teach this relaxation at the end of a Dru Yoga class.

Do some stretches then lie down on the floor on a firm yet comfortable surface (a soft carpet or blanket is fine). Cover yourself with a blanket so you don’t get chilly. Make sure that your body is aligned in a straight line.

Starting from your feet, tense and relax each part of your body. Contract the muscles first in your feet, and then feel each of the toes relaxing as you soften the feet against the floor. Work up the body, through the legs, hips, abdomen, chest, back, neck and head. Then focus on your breathing, and each time you breathe out, let your body release tension. As you breathe in, take peace and calmness into the body. Repeat for 5 minutes. 
To finish, gradually bring your awareness back to your body and feel how your body is positioned on the floor. Move your toes and fingers gently, then stretch and sit up without disturbing that wonderful feeling of relaxation.

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3. Stress busting technique

Erik van Velzen, Dru Meditation teacher

Erik van Velzen

Dru Meditation teacher trainer

Relax for a few moments and focus on your breathing, watching the natural rhythm of each inhalation and exhalation. 

Imagine a situation in your life that needs healing. Create an image of that situation in front of you, as if it were on a video screen. As you breathe in, draw some of the stress of the situation into your heart and immediately send it upwards and out of the top of your head as you breathe out. Feel that above your head is a region of golden light in which you have full access to your healing potential. Imagine the stress entering this region and visualise the situation being completely healed.

On an in-breath, draw this new situation into your heart and breathe it out into the scene in front of you, bringing peace and a good solution to that situation. See smiles of relief on the faces of everyone concerned.
Repeat steps 2-5 until you feel relaxed, calm and full of joy.



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