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Wellbeing hub | Dru


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Wellbeing Hub


Wellbeing hub


Posted on 22 January, 2021
"Your vision will become clear only when you look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens." Carl Jung  Your Dru Yoga Practice and your Personal Vision Tips for creating and Realising a Vision Creating a Vision: Every aspect of your practice will help you create a vision. What you learn about yoga, what you read, your physical yoga practice, your pranayama practice, relaxation, and connecting with nature, all come together and help to inspire you and expand your thinking.  Achieving your Vision: You could ask yourself: "What is it that I want to achieve by learning yoga?" Perhaps, imagine what your life would be like if you had a regular and rewarding yoga practice, what would come out of it? Bring your Vision Alive: You may feel motivated to do ... more

Posted on 18 December, 2020
So many of our students and friends have loved ones nearing the end of life, or who have recently passed onwards - and we... more

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Posted on 15 December, 2020
“Change only happens in the present moment. The past is already done. The future is just energy and intention.” ― Kino... more
Posted on 3 December, 2020
“My training in yoga gave me the courage to set up Dru Yoga in Leeds and train over 200 people" Mona Fairholme. ... more

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Posted on 15 November, 2020
Loving you is so easy, dear Lord...Your love is everywhere, in everything... When we gaze at the sun setting over the water... more

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Posted on 6 November, 2020
'Gemma was devastated by her son’s serious illness and hospitalisation. Then her yoga teacher gave her some very practical... more

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Posted on 19 October, 2020
How can an understanding of the sacral chakra help you to really improve your health and wellbeing? The swadhisthana chakra ... more

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Posted on 19 October, 2020
 Yogic tips to positively impact our wellbeing      What is a CHAKRA?    A chakra is a sanskrit word meaning "wheel" and... more

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Posted on 19 October, 2020
A couple of weeks ago I had a tricky week, a change in medication sparked off some considerable physical, emotional and... more

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Posted on 24 September, 2020
Aparigraha is the last of the Yamas and possibly one of the greatest opportunities for inner peace and freedom...  What does... more

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Posted on 24 September, 2020
Yama number four is Brahmacharya... We might translate it as ‘moving towards truth’ and in order to do so it is essential to... more

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Posted on 24 September, 2020
The third of the Yamas is ASTEYA, non-stealing. ‘Thou shalt not steal’ is very familiar in our culture coming from the... more

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Posted on 24 September, 2020
SATYAM is the second of Patanjali’s Yamas and it means TRUTH. We all know what happened to Pinocchio when he told lies...... more

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Posted on 24 September, 2020
ISVARA PRANIDHANA may be translated as Surrender to the Divine It is possibly the most difficult Niyama for many of us to... more

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Posted on 23 September, 2020
We may study a whole range of things in our lifetimes but ultimately the most important subject of study is our Self. This... more

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
What are you working towards right now? Do you have any plans or projects? Creating a new garden? Finding a new job? Moving... more

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
One of my favourite Niyamas...Contentment!  Life happens, storms rage, good times are followed by bad times, pandemics... more

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Posted on 10 September, 2020
If the Yamas were all about putting our foot on the brake pedal then the Niyamas are about putting our foot on the... more
Posted on 4 September, 2020
Let’s start at the very beginning...Patanjali was a wise dude who lived in India a long time ago and who knew a lot about... more

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Posted on 28 August, 2020

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Posted on 21 August, 2020
