Foundation course
Christiane Saar and Mouli MacKenzie, Dru Yoga teacher trainers
Deb Ryan, Dru Yoga teacher trainer
Foundation course
Dru Yoga foundation course
Gain an excellent grounding in the foundations of Dru Yoga. This course is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of Dru Yoga and take your personal practice to a new level. You can choose to continue directly onto the teacher training course.
Dru Yoga teacher trainers
Meet like minded people and a friendly teaching team
This course is designed for:
- everyone who would like to develop confidence and create an effective personal practice
- those who want to explore Dru Yoga in more depth
- anyone considering joining the Dru Yoga teacher training course.
This 8 day foundation course covers books 1-4 of the 16 books of the Dru Yoga teacher training course. You can choose from day, weekend and/or residential formats.
Applying is easy!
- Simply download and fill in the application form
- Then ask your yoga teacher, a colleague or friend to write you a reference
- Send your application and reference back to the Dru team
- We will be in touch to arrange an interview or a session at a nearby try-out day.
- If you haven't already done so, you may want to reserve your place on the course by paying your registration fee*
Dru Yoga - become who you really are.
The Dru Yoga teacher training course helps you become more 'you'.
What now?
We'll review your application and references and get back to you shortly. We’d normally want to meet you or speak with you by phone or skype, so we’ll be in touch to arrange an interview. Alternatively,you could attend a session at a try out day.
We're very much looking forward to welcoming you onto the Dru Yoga foundation course! You can pay your registration fee* via the training course pages>
Want to find out more?
The Foundation courses are a great way to explore your yoga practise in depth, without the full commitment of a 200h diploma course.
Develop a deeper understanding of Dru Yoga and take your personal practice to a new level.
Practise with confidence!
Develop a deeper understanding of Dru Yoga and take your personal practice to a new level. Dru Yoga is a graceful, yet potent form of yoga, based on soft flowing movements, controlled directed breathing and visualisation. With its foundations set firmly in ancient yogic tradition, it works on body, mind and spirit – improving strength and flexibility, creating core stability, building a heightened feeling of positivity, and rejuvenation your whole being.
Learn the seven keys that will help you unlock the subtleties of Dru Yoga so that you can gain the maximum benefit from your practice.
Nigel Murphy
The course was life changing. I started it purely for self development and to deepen my knowledge of yoga, but realised it was too precious to keep to myself and decided to teach. I discovered an inner stillness and capacity to deal with problems of life.
Venues and locations
We have many venues across the UK - and the world... Anyone for yoga in Australia?
Here are some of the upcoming foundation courses in the UK.
Dru Yoga Foundation Course content
On the Foundation course you will cover much of the basic understanding of Dru Yoga including:
Dru Yoga Foundation courses - discover Dru Yoga in depth without the full commitment of a 200h diploma course.
Download prospectus
Principles of Dru Yoga
- Principles of activation
- Energy Block Release sequence (EBR 1)
- Body preparation
Establishing a regular practice
Dru Yoga students learn the Pigeon breath
- Pranayama Energy Block Release
- Pigeon breath
- Windmill
- Diaphragmatic breathing
- Mechanics of breathing
- Deep yogic breath—lying & sitting
- Prithvi Namaskara - Salutations to the Earth
- Surya Namaskara - Salutation to the Sun
Maria thompson
Complementary Therapist, Exeter
I really enjoyed my first experience of Dru Yoga, the asanas, pranayama and relaxation experienced. Thank you Imogen and Anne.
- Tadasana—mountain
- Vrksasana—tree
- Marjariasana—cat
- Savasana—corpse pose
- Adho mukha svanasana—downward facing dog
- Bhujangasana—cobra
- Setubandhasana—bridge
- Simple inversion
- Utkatasana—chair of the heart
- Paschimottanasana—sitting forward bend
- Makarasana—the crocodile
Discover the depth and peace of Dru Meditation
- What is meditation? Parts 1 & 2
- How to sit properly
- ‘Relax the whole body’ meditation
Anatomy & Physiology
- Overview of the nine systems
- The muscular system
Subtle Energetics
- Understanding the koshas
- Understanding the chakras and nadis
- The spiral of empowerment
- Chakra dharana sadhana
- Chakra awareness
- Ajna Centring
- A brief history of yoga
- Patanjali’s Eight Limbs of Yoga
- Practical application of the Yamas and Niyamas
Foundation courses
[city]registration open till 3 JulDru Yoga Taster Days Immerse yourself in the great experience of Dru Yoga! These low cost morning, afternoon or day seminars, in and around the... more -
[city]registration open till 28 AprCome along to this wonderfully informative and nurturing workshop where you will experience the benefits of combining Yoga Therapy and Ayurvedic... more -
[city]registration open till 28 AprCook with top international Ayurvedic Chefs Keith Squires and Danyse Crotti to create and savour a wonderful lunch in a small group setting. Learn... more -
[city]registration open till 2 AugIt is perfectly possible to design your mind and emotions into whatever state you'd like - just like a master sculptor creating a masterpiece. -
[city]registration open till 29 JunJoin us in central London for a Dru Ayurveda Workshop - Balancing the 5 elements with Yoga and Nutrition with Shona Sutherland and the Dru team. -
[city]registration open till 31 DecThe Bhagavad Gita—the timeless manual for successful living and spiritual realisation. It contains a detailed set of instructions on overcoming... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecGain a practical understanding of how to make each chakra work for you, how to access the huge amount of prana stored in your energy centres, and how... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecEnjoy a powerful guided webinar masterclass tailored for you to discover how to keep your mind focussed, positive and calm. -
[city]registration open till 31 DecLearn the principles upon which yoga therapy is based and discover guidelines on how you can use yoga to manage your energy and health, overcome many... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecLet's just stop. And be. With Energy Block Release 8 and a host of profound spiritual insights, let's experience the awesome, remarkable,... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecThis master class is aimed at anyone who is interested in shaping their own life and making the most of our current situation. Mastering the energy... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecRita Goswami is a legend in the Dru world - one of our original founders and a master of meditation and the path towards our infinite potential.... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecA focused workshop to explore the energetics and power behind the Radiant Heart Sequence (EBR 8). -
[city]registration open till 31 DecIf you run classes, groups - or just live in a family! - this is the beginning of a world-leading series to help you master the spirituality that... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecSantosh is a strong Dru Dance with a fantastic warrior pose flow combined with graceful transition moves, exploring the depth and deep symbology of... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecExperience the combination of energising, flowing movements with deep breathing and relaxation to ease back pain and improve the flexibility and... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecA dynamic blend of Dru Yoga, Pilates and fitness movements -
[city]registration open till 31 DecWater is a powerful reminder to cleanse purify and go with the flow! Uncover it’s qualities and make them your own as we share yoga and inspiration... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecThere is nothing like an evening of singing together to connect! -
[city]registration open till 31 DecIn these interesting times, how do we adapt our meditation practice according to the influences of the seasons and the planets? -
[city]registration open till 31 DecSun Sequence - or Surya Namaskara - is one of the best-known yoga practices worldwide. Learn how practise Surya Namaskara according to your body’s... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecWhy is the archetype of the sun so important in yoga and meditation practice? Rita Goswami, one of the founders of Dru, is a master of Vedanta and... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecYoga Nidra is a much needed soothing balm for our soul. We all need a break from our world of information overload, constant activity, and restless... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecDru Yoga Nidra is the silence that follows OM. It’s a journey that leads to samadhi and ultimately to turiya itself. In other words it’s a path to... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecDive into a weekend Dru Yoga bliss out! Explore a physical, mental & emotional rejuvenation in this time of change and increased digital... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecWelcome to a vibrant evening of yoga to set your heart and body on fire... leading to a profound Dru Nidra relaxation and satsang to activate your... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecJoin Jane and her musical team for a spiritual party! The occasion: Janmasthami, Krishna’s birthday. In the East, this is said to be the time in the... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecThere is a growing body of research which shows how the practice of meditation can build our natural immunity. In the 60 minute workshop, learn about... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecIn 500 BCE, Patanjali took the many scriptures on yoga for body and mind and placed them into a unified system known as the Patanjali Yoga Sutras,... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecThis is a workshop for all - whether newer to Dru or in need of a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Join us for some potent yogic practices... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecRita Goswami, Co-founder of Dru, aims to take you into an unforgettable meditative experience, propelling you forward into the power of real... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecEmotional strength is one of greatest needs today - with it we can respond to the people who need our help, we can feel balanced and supported... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecYoga offers one of the most complete understandings of the human psyche ever compiled. Codified by Patanjali 2,500 years ago, and extended and... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecFive key systems dramatically influence your health - both physical and within your subtle body. And in fact, if you can build the health of your... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecRita Goswami, co-founder of Dru, will help you uncover the part of you within that sings the song of your unique purpose, and plugs you into the... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecWe'd like to invite you to a FREE LIVE CELEBRATION OF LIGHT to help you reach out to the people you love—using the radiant power of your inner... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecWithin you lives the power of deep intuition and currents of courage, strength and even leadership. You just have to access them! Tonight, Andrew... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecIf ever there was a time to have thousands of people holding our world in light, it's 21st December 2020! This special evening will guide you... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecEnjoy this unique masterclass on Gita Yoga as a taster of what will be revealed soon on the Dru Bhagavad Gita Retreat @ home. Learn how to use Dru... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecIn the midst of distressing news from so many directions, being able to hold onto your inner Self isn't just a luxury; it's a necessity. ... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecEvery human being has access to an innate power of light that brings us clarity and purpose - as well as activating our subtle energy to fill our... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecAll kinds of great text here! All kinds of great text here! All kinds of great text here! All kinds of great text here! All kinds of great text here... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecAll kinds of super March great text here! All kinds of super March great text here! All kinds of super March great text here! All kinds of super... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecExperience the magic of Dru Yoga Flow! -
[city]registration open till 31 DecEnjoy this session of movement and pranayama to support your immune system -
[city]registration open till 14 MarEmotional strength is one of greatest needs today - with it we can respond to the people who need our help, we can feel balanced and supported... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecSpring is coming, and this particular time in the yogic calendar is inviting us to let go of the old, create change and start again with a new zest... more -
[city]registration open till 17 AprThere is a growing body of research which shows how the practice of meditation can build our natural immunity. In this workshop, learn about how... more -
[city]registration open till 31 DecExperience the magic of Dru Yoga Flow! -
[city]registration open till 31 DecExperience the magic of Dru Yoga Flow! -
[city]registration open till 17 AprThere is a growing body of research which shows how the practice of meditation can build our natural immunity. In this workshop, learn about how... more -
[city]registration open till 17 AprThere is a growing body of research which shows how the practice of meditation can build our natural immunity. In this workshop, learn about how... more