Dru worklife balance testimonials
Mount Snowdon from Capel Curig, 10mins from our Dru Yoga training centre
Dru worklife balance testimonials
Dru Worklife Balance Testimonials
"Dru has benefited every part of my life; myself, my relationships and my business."
Paul, IT Consultant, Kenya
"In this fast-moving world, Dru is the daily still point in my life that helps me to gain insight and overview in all that happens in and around me. In my workplace people consult me now for far more than just business reasons. More and more they are searching for personal advice, peace and understanding. Dru transforms you into a source of inspiration to others."
Phillip, Business Consultant, The Netherlands
Our entertaining and highly practical workshops will give your team proven strategies to cope with stress and tension.
"With Dru's tools, I have been able to gain greater awareness about who I am and how I want to be. This has helped me immensely as I've been able to make choices about how I can attain greater authenticity in my professional and personal life. The Dru journey has been a wonderful challenge and has led me to feel a greater sense of integration and ease."
AG, Former TV Producer, Australia
'My job demands as an architectural designer were intense and stressful, but after I started a regular course in Dru the quality of my life started to change.
Thanks to my regular Dru Yoga practice, I am able to meet the challenges at work head on. I am now actually enjoying delivering presentations to important clients and closing a deal, whereas before I sometimes felt like crumbling under the pressure! I have clearer focus to prepare and organise my busy schedules, and as a result I seem to have more time in a day.
Dru gives me more energy, makes me a brighter and a more creative person all round and made my recent move abroad to the Middle East a breeze.
And the good news is, Dru Yoga is easy, you don't have to be able to do the lotus to start to practise. Just Dru it!'
Hazel Y, Architectural designer
Dru workplace wellbeing programmes
Learn simple, effective techniques to de-stress quickly, boost energy levels and mental clarity.
'The benefits that Dru has brought me has dramatically reduced my stress levels and increased my awareness of the daily pressures that are faced by most of my colleagues. I am more conscious of not taking on this stress myself. As a result, people value my increased creativity, clarity and calm, and my client base has expanded.'
JS, Senior Financial Management Consultant, Australian Federal Government.
"I’ve attended many Dru events and routinely reap the benefits of the exercises and techniques I've learned. They're not difficult – a three minute breathing exercise has more than once helped me to save an uncomfortable discussion from developing into an undesirable outcome, and a 15 minute session at the start of each day can transform my working day. A dear friend of mine dragged me along to that first Dru session, telling me that it had the potential to turn my stressful, high pressure, professional life into a rewarding, effective and positive experience. She was right. Thank you a thousand times over!"
Jon, Marine Biologist, Sweden
"Having just been to a brilliant Dru programme I am 'chilled', yet fully charged! The style and quality of presentation is excellent, the presentation content fascinating, the dedication and enthusiasm of the staff without question and the organisation has a 'track record' approaching thirty years. I can highly recommend them.”
Damian Crowley, Managing Director, MARITAS (Maritime Training and Assessment Services) Ltd.