Articles, blogs and products
16 September, 2013
The Flame that Transforms
Savitri MacCuish, Mansukh Patel & Andrew Wells
With a foreword by Mark Victor Hansen (author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul') this book is an exciting read—telling the inspiring history of the creation of the World Peace Flame as well...
Read more...Practical Peace Meditation
How would you enjoy playing part in changing the world?
Doing your bit to add a little bit more peace to this wonderful planet? We may have the opportunity for you!
We’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of the World Peace Flame this...
Read more...13 June, 2017
Meditations on light CD
Here's a special gift for you - we want to offer you the whole of the Meditations on Light CD.
Download the Meditations on Light CD >
Thank you for all you have done for the world. We hope this might help you reach even more...