Articles, blogs and products
15 November, 2020

Loving You
Loving you is so easy, dear Lord...Your love is everywhere, in everything...
When we gaze at the sun setting over the water, we see Your glory before us
Looking at an autumn leaf on the ground, we see Your care and attention to detail....
Read more...Invisible Wheels (2): SWADISTHANA
How can an understanding of the sacral chakra help you to really improve your health and wellbeing? The swadhisthana chakra is strongly linked to pleasures and desires. Are you curious?
Do you have challenges with any of the following...
Read more...INVISIBLE WHEELS (1) Mooladhara
Yogic tips to positively impact our wellbeing
What is a CHAKRA? A chakra is a sanskrit word meaning "wheel" and chakras are a very important part of our subtle or energy body.
Interestingly, in the yogic model of the energy...
Read more...COMPASSION
A couple of weeks ago I had a tricky week, a change in medication sparked off some considerable physical, emotional and mental discomfort, yet there is always a lesson to be learned when we experience difficulties and challenges.
And the...
Read more...Contentment in the Time of Covid19
What? ...Contentment...even in the time of Covid 19...How could this be possible?...
This may well be your reaction, particularly if you have been experiencing any of the following...
Feeling annoyed and irritable
Feeling disappointed...
Read more...Invisible Wheels (6): Ajna
Often referred to as the Eyebrow Centre or the Third Eye, the Ajna chakra is located behind the centre of the eyebrows near the pineal gland. The Sanskrit word means ‘command’ or ‘summoning’.
So in what sense is it the command centre? It...
Read more...Invisible Wheels (5) - Vishuddhi
Vishuddhi, the throat chakra, located within the neck and expanding down towards the shoulders and up into the area of the mouth and lower part of the face... its sanskrit translation: visha = impurity, poison suddhi = purify
Read more...Invisible Wheels (3): Manipura
I like to think of the Manipura chakra as our POWER centre. Located above the navel and below the diaphragm in the solar plexus region of the body, it is often called the solar centre.
Sometimes it is called the jewelled city or the...
Read more...Invisible wheels (4): Anahata
The HEART centre. This is number 4 of the 7 main energy centres and plays a very important role in transforming energy from the lower centres (which have to do with the way we treat ourselves and those around us), up to our higher centres...
‘It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold... when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade.' Charles Dickens
I have definitely been so aware of the warmth of the sun over recent days, of its...
Read more...MORTALITY
This week I have heard about the sudden death of a person in our village and the slightly less sudden but equally devastating death of someone who had been to my yoga classes a few years ago. The former was in her seventies, the latter in...
Read more...Love for the Planet
I have been reading a novel, The Overstory, by Richard Powers and the subject matter is close to my heart being all about trees... their importance for the planet and therefore the continuing existence of Homo Sapiens Sapiens (not just ‘...
Read more...The Art of Letting Go (2)
The Autumn is the perfect season in which to contemplate and practise letting go... we only have to look at the deciduous trees in a temperate climate to appreciate this.
The word deciduous is defined thus...
Read more...My Bhakti Path
For those of us on our spiritual journey there are many, many different paths to follow; for those of us on our yogic paths the choice classically narrows, but there are still choices:
RAJA YOGA - Royal yoga, following the eightfold path...
Read more...2020 Perfect Vision, a tool to manifest your dreams
As I reflect upon the experiences and lessons learned from the past year and prepare for new year and it's opportunities, I like to create a vision board to help me focus and create direction in my life...
I first read about vision boards...
Read more...Yama (2): Satyam
SATYAM is the second of Patanjali’s Yamas and it means TRUTH.
We all know what happened to Pinocchio when he told lies... Indeed honesty and truthfulness are virtues aspired to in all moral codes, for telling lies can have dire...