Andrew Wells

Dru Meditation - your FREE meditation video


Enjoy this free Sky meditation.  It's from the Dru Meditation dvd.

How easy it is to lose our perspective on life and some situation or issue can grow out of all proportion. We can get bogged down in the detail. The Dru Sky meditation helps you regain your perspective on life, broaden your vision, lift your eyes from a situation in which you are stuck, and see the larger perspective. Use it when you want to regain your enjoyment of life and all of those great things that are really important to you.


Cat posture - marjariasana


I've always loved the cat posture because of the way it combines utter simplicity and ease with profound results. It's just about the best back toner you'll come across, and if you can get it right, you can use it as a tool for clearing emotional blocks stored all along the spine.

And there's even more... and if you can get that right, you can use it as an aid to bringing vibrant clarity to your consciousness in meditation... Read on for all the details!



Dru Yoga tip 62 - Let the beauty of life rest in your heart


Dru Yoga tip 62 - Let the beauty of life rest in your heart

Sometimes all the tools and techniques your have mastered seem to desert you and the light seems to have disappeared. It can happen to anyone, even for those of us who have done many hours of practice and 'mastered' many tools; suddenly the toolbox is empty. This week's Dru Tip for life has been written precisely for these times - Let the beauty of life rest in your heart.

To look out and simply be with the beauty of life is one of the most soothing yet effortless tools for lifting the darkness and allowing some light to penetrate your inner fog. Follow these simple steps to bring yourself back to the light.


Andrew Wells

Unsure what you should be aiming for in life? The Pebble Visualisation is the perfect meditation to help you to prioritise what really matters in your life. Use this visualisation to help you find out what goals to focus on. Use this MP3 meditation anytime, anywhere.



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