Posted on 13 April, 2020
How can we all serve the world better today? Please do help us by giving feedback on how we can support you at this time.


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Posted on 3 April, 2020
How mantra and nature can strengthen us

Jane Clapham shares her experience of meditating and hearing the chiffchaff, a summer visitor. She explains how scripture and mantra can build our resilience at this challenging time. Please do join us tonight for the Friday night live-link in the bio!
Posted on 30 March, 2020
Jane Clapham shares her experience of meditating and hearing the chiffchaff, a summer visitor. She explains how scripture and mantra can build our resilience at this challenging time. Please do join us tonight for the Friday night live-link in the bio!

Posted on 28 March, 2020
Posted on 26 March, 2020
Our lovely Rita shares Kapalabhati breathing with everyone!
It is an advanced yogic breathing technique that cleanses and detoxifies your mind and body.
Learn all about the benefits and find out how to reap the rewards of this ancient exercise.

Posted on 23 March, 2020
Our lovely tutor Lalita sings a yogic chant bringing us closer to the quality of Ganesh.  She gives us her wisdom in a beautiful way

Posted on 20 March, 2020
Jane shares where ways of keeping calm and compassionate during the coronavirus crisis, and a powerful L-shaped Meditation to keep you a line to your highest vision and help your community.

