Happy Valentine's Day!
With the greatest love to all of you in the Spirituality Sangha, thanks for being truly amazing!
You've expressed your spirituality in so many ways, and have established a foundation that will last a lifetime. The progress you have made in the last 10 months is remarkable, and you deserve a great big pat on the back. Or the heart!
Your friends in the Spirituality Sangha have reached out to you in countless ways in the last 10 months. So we've made a poster for you. It contains phrases you've said to each other - with different backgrounds so you can print out one to match your decor. Or many to fill every wall of your house with love!
The purpose of this beautiful poster is simply to communicate a very special thing to you: you are loved, by the universe, and by a very special group of friends. We hope you'll feel that whenever your gaze falls upon it.
With love to you all!
Download your Valentine's Day poster >