Annie Jones

Ayurveda 3-Day Evolution


Welcome to the 3 Day Ayurveda Evolution!

In this free 3-day package you will receive powerful techniques as we share the secrets of Ayurveda’s 3 vital essences: Prana, Tejas and Ojas.  

We will help you to pro-actively design and build these 3 fundamental keys to a happy, healthy and fulfilled life.


How to live an ayurvedic lifestyle

With heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer and cancer ever on the rise, it is so important to know that there is a way to manage and even possibly avoid such life challenging events through this extraordinary science. We invite you to immerse yourself into the magic and mystery of Ayurveda with nine days of total immersion at the Dru Yoga centre in beautiful Snowdonia, North Wales.

How Your Digestion Works According to Your Dosha Profile


Agni—The Flame Within

Agni is the Sanskrit name for 'fire'. In Ayurveda, it refers to all the biological fires that govern metabolism in our bodies. However the main one, that we have most control over, is the Digestive Fire.

Think of agni as a fire that consumes your food into its nutrient parts. If your digestive fire is low then you end up with unburnt toxic food residue which your body then has to deal with.  The way your agni behaves depends on several factors. Two important factors are the state of your current health and your ‘Dosha’ profile.


Health tips - weight loss


Health tips - weight loss

There are as many weight loss plans and theories as there are people eating!! This health tip looks at  – the gut or small intestine (5 metres long). This is the primary area of impact; the place where all your food arrives in preparation for distribution! The more relaxed this organ is, the better our ability to absorb food. The more easily we absorb food, the greater the amount of nutrients that enter the body and the less we need to eat in order for the body to feel nourished and satisfied. In other words – relax and you will naturally eat less!


Health tips - enjoy a daily health tonic and increased wellbeing


Health tips - Enjoy a daily health tonic and increased wellbeing

Let me introduce you to chyawanprash – an ancient Indian elixier.

The history of chyawanprash

It is believed that the formula of chyawanprash was discovered by the sage Chyawan or Chyavana. He was the first to prepare this tonic, and used it to regain his own youth and longevity. Charak Samhita, the ancient Ayurvedic treatise written by sage Charak in the 4th century BC, contains the first historically documented formula for chyawanprash. According to this ancient text, chyawanprash is "the foremost of all ‘rasayanas’ or herbal formulations.


Dru Yoga tips for life - The system of success


The system of success

In the yoga tradition, there is a system of success known as the 4S's. If you including them as part of your life plan, you will have the key to having an energised, centred, joy filled experience and living within every moment.

  1. Seva – the power of service to others
  2. Sangha – the benefit of association with like minded people
  3. Satsang – the power of sharing and communicating in a way that empowers
  4. Sadhana - The power of a strong personal spiritual practice


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