Health tips - enjoy a daily health tonic and increased wellbeing

Let me introduce you to chyawanprash – an ancient Indian elixier.

The history of chyawanprash

It is believed that the formula of chyawanprash was discovered by the sage Chyawan or Chyavana. He was the first to prepare this tonic, and used it to regain his own youth and longevity. Charak Samhita, the ancient Ayurvedic treatise written by sage Charak in the 4th century BC, contains the first historically documented formula for chyawanprash. According to this ancient text, chyawanprash is "the foremost of all ‘rasayanas’ or herbal formulations.



Chyawanprash is made up of around 50 different herbs made into a delicious jam. It can be taken as a warm drink by simply adding warm water, or even better – milk. It has all the 6 tastes within it – so creates a complete balance for the body.

It is a tonic that helps boost the immune system and fight disease.

Chyawanprash is said to offer a variety of benefits. These include increased energy and improved cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, and reproductive health. It is also said to possess rejuvenating properties and to deliver anti-aging effects.

Chyawanprash is purported to protect against the following health problems:

  • asthma 
  • colds 
  • cough 
  • headache 
  • high cholesterol 
  • indigestion 
  • improved brain function
  • insomnia 

Some even suggest that chyawanprash can enhance libido, as well as fight some forms of cancer.

Most good health shops will provide it.  There different ones available – try different ones to find your favourite. Take a daily dose as a tonic for health, well being and longevity.

Ummmm delicious!


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