Health tips

Posted on 1 November, 2016
This yuletide time of year brings all kind of gifts – the ones we enjoy and the ones that may not be so pleasant. As I walked into the office this morning, there it was right in front of me - a friend, full of cold! Here we go – we enter the flu season – watch out everyone! So what better gift can I give you than to remind you to boost your immune system now! The first thing is to invite you to enjoy the Inner Fire sequence – this will keep your digestive system strong and keep those colds away!     Eight of this season's finest immune boosting foods…
1. Pumpkin
The bright orange cucurbita, a vegetable in the same family as squashes and gourds, is the perfect immune strengthener.  Not only does pumpkin blend nicely into desserts, hearty casseroles, stews, soups... more
Posted on 3 October, 2016
This month we have chosen to share one of the most powerful ways to keep your lower back and spine healthy, flexible and aligned. It is called the Sacro-lumbar release. This sequence is best used as a preventative to back pain, rather than when you are in the acute phases of back pain. If you do have an existing back condition, please do go gently and build up your strength and extent of the movements when you are more comfortable. Eighty percent of us experience some form of back pain during our lives, which can be anything from a dull ache, to a shooting pain and anything in between! Our lumber spine joins the sacrum at L5 and is a very important part of our spinal support. The sacrum consists of 5 vertebra which become fused into one bone during our late teens and the twenties. This... more
Posted on 1 October, 2016
For many different reasons we may find we've gained a little extra weight and we begin to struggle with the extra toxins in our bodies. One organ that is under stress dealing with this extra load is our lovely liver! It is the most important organ to support the detox process, the break down of unwanted fats, and it lowers cholesterol, so definitely worth looking after!  This video includes specific movement to support and detox your liver, which is also great for "the day after the night before"!   Here are some of my great tips for a healthy liver drink plenty of water to keep hydrated mix milk thistle tincture in a glass of water exercise your body drink vegetable juices eat your greens – as this helps to alkalise the liver eat beetroot and artichoke globes take... more
Posted on 1 September, 2016
  We'd like to share this free EBR 3 sequence which is a part of the new Design your Destiny class, filmed on location in Australia. As the colder weather approaches, you will feel the warmth of the sun coming through - just like taking a holiday! This class is perfect for opening the lungs and helping to keep all colds and flu away too. Autumn is a time to nourish and nurture. Here in Europe, it is getting darker earlier and colder, so take time to look after yourself..   Here are 5 top tips for making your autumn magical Eat warm and nourishing soups and vegetables.  Try this pumpkin soup (see below) from Keith's blog. Have a warm oil massage before you have a bath or shower to help support your skin and nervous system. Drink plenty of warm drinks – carry a flask with a... more
Posted on 8 August, 2016
A great night's sleep has to be one of the best ways to really nourish and heal the mind, body and soul. But I'm not suggesting that you stay in bed all day! There are many secrets that make a good sleep sweet and powerful. Eight hours' sleep is an optimum amount that when deep offers many benefits that improve your quality and appreciation of life. 1. Improved learning capacity "If you are trying to learn something, whether it’s physical or mental, you learn it to a certain point with practice," says Dr. Rapoport, who is an associate professor at NYU Langone Medical Center. "But something happens while you sleep that makes you learn it better - the mind becomes more focussed and memory improves too”. In other words, if you’re trying to learn something new, whether it’s French or... more
Posted on 6 July, 2016
Having just returned home from Africa and a fairly entertaining flight in which the seats were sooo uncomfortable. So, jet lag and the effects of flying are an important subject for me. How can flying be made easy, especially long-haul journeys? Many of us are traveling abroad these days and often heading straight back work when we get home. It's a topic worth further exploration. What happens to our bodies when we fly? A number of things happen when we fly, for example dehydration, toothache, headache, stomach pain and ear pain. Flying involves sitting for long periods which can cause blood to collect in your legs and feet. When plasma leaves your veins for the surrounding tissue it can result in foot swelling. In extreme and rare cases, this can escalate into blood clots. Most plane... more
