Anouschka Dack
Balance in times of change - Part 2 - Moving into faith
Balance in times of change
Part 2 - Moving into faith
Balance in Times of Change - Part 1 - The path of equanimity
Balance in times of change
Part 1 - The path of equanimity
Change can be really exciting - a time of new energy, new growth and anticipation, but it is also inherently unstable. That sense of “not knowing” can make us feel uncertain about what’s coming next in our lives.
How to do the Sun Sequence YOUR way
One of the most famous sequences that everyone knows, across all styles of yoga, is Surya Namaskara. Why? On a physical level it stretches, tones, and strengthens our body AND it also brings light and vibrant energy into our mind and emotions too.
Tired after a long day? Try Anouschka’s top tips.
Tired after a long day? Try Anouschka’s top tips. A long day on our feet or concentrating on a computer screen can leave us feeling drained and exhausted so give these simple ideas a try!
Understanding dharma - Living a life of purpose
Keeping on track with your goals and resolutions is a powerful way to ensure you have a great life in the upcoming months. But how do you know if your goals are taking you in the right direction?
Dru Yoga - Natarajasana: the Lord of the Dance
Dru Yoga - Natarajasana: the Lord of the Dance
Natarajasana or the ‘lord of the dance’ is an ancient posture which is indicative of a place of perfect poise and balance.
It is a graceful and elegant posture which helps us to connect to those qualities within us.While at a deeper level, this posture connects us to the energy of Shiva. Shiva, in ancient Hindu mythology, relates to the qualities of letting go – of completion and fulfilment.
Dru Yoga - Sharva Udarakarshanasana: the maltese cross
Dru Yoga - Sharva Udarakarshanasana: the maltese cross
This posture takes the simple lying twist a step further. It opens and stretches out the chest and pectoral muscles, gives a great twist to the spine. It strengthens the core muscles and frees up the lower back. It also stretches out the gluteal muscles and this helps ease hip and back pain. Not only that, but this posture also aids digestion and helps trim the waist line!
Dru Yoga - Adhomukha Svanasana: the dog
The Adho Mukha Svanasana, the downward facing dog, is a great posture for helping you to settle into the present moment.
This posture stretches out the hamstrings and gastocnemius (calf muscles) and latissimus dorsi in the back. It improves circulation to the head and brain which helps us feel refreshed and invigorated. This posture helps us let go of the past and brings us totally into the present moment. On an energetic level, you may be aware of energy flowing from the base of the spine, mooladhara chakra, and up though all the chakras to the crown.
Dru Yoga - The seat of compassion
Dru Yoga - The seat of compassion
Dru Yoga is often recognised as one of the most powerful forms of yoga to open up the heart centre in a gentle and flowing way. When you consciously open the heart many beautiful qualities become available to you including compassion, generosity, kindness, loyalty and gratitude. For this reason, the Seat of Compassion is a very important posture within Dru Yoga and it holds the key to one of our most important principles: the opening of the heart centre or Anahata chakra.