Articles, blogs and products

26 July, 2020

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The Five Elements - Fire
Enjoy this discovery of the part of your mind that gives you energy and the ability to transform... and great tips for how to convert too much fire into passionate empowerment that inspires people to be with you. Read more...
19 July, 2020
The Five Elements 3 - Air
Discover the greatness of this part of the field of consciousness - the part of you that knows how to move in any direction, to direct your awareness towards new and wonderful ideas, the part of you that knows how to allow the mind to... Read more...
13 February, 2021 spirituality of yoga
Spirituality Sangha - Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day! With the greatest love to all of you in the Spirituality Sangha, thanks for being truly amazing! You've expressed your spirituality in so many ways, and have established a foundation that will last a lifetime. The... Read more...
8 May, 2020

Five Keys to Spiritual Awakening - Day 5 - Anahata Meditation
Welcome to Manas Anusandhanam - Journey into the Sacred Mind This page gives you the culmination of a remarkable sequence of five meditations - links below. This fifth meditation will help you rest in exquisite stillness, filled with the... Read more...
18 September, 2013 Meditations on Light  - guided meditations to soothe and uplift cd
Meditations on light
Savitri MacCuish and Andrew Wells Relax, boost your energy, and get back into the driving seat of your life with 5 easy-to-use guided meditations. Sitting easily & comfortably Relax into peace Preparing your body to sit Turn... Read more...
18 December, 2020

Living with the End of Life - an overview
So many of our students and friends have loved ones nearing the end of life, or who have recently passed onwards - and we are sending so much love to you. It's one of the most challenging experiences any of us will have - difficult, hard,... Read more...
6 November, 2020
The Gayatri Mantra, Overcoming Adversity & Giving to the World
'Gemma was devastated by her son’s serious illness and hospitalisation. Then her yoga teacher gave her some very practical advice. To chant the Gayatri Mantra every day. Hardly believing such simplicity could work she nevertheless went... Read more...
6 October, 2020 Health Webinar
Your Meditation Mastery tutorial time choice is 11 am
"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy." Paramhamsa Yogananda Thanks for choosing Tuesday at '11 am' (British Summer Time) for your tutorial group time.  We’ll be in touch with you soon... Read more...
6 October, 2020 woman-meditating-colourful-city-background
Your Meditation Mastery tutorial time choice is 7 pm
"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy." Paramhamsa Yogananda Thanks for choosing Monday at '7 pm' (British Summer Time) for your tutorial group time.  We’ll be in touch with you soon... Read more...
6 October, 2020 Woman meditating
Your Meditation Mastery tutorial time choice is 'either time'
"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the spirit lies its greatest joy." Paramhamsa Yogananda Thanks for your flexibility in choosing 'Either time' for your tutorial group time.  You will be in either: Monday at 7 pm... Read more...
27 July, 2020

How Andrew used Yoga Nidra in his healing journey
Welcome! Andrew explores the power of Yoga Nidra in his healing journey, and how it might help you this week. Yoga Nidra events in the next few days We're celebrating the power of Yoga Nidra with two very special events. On Wednesday I'm... Read more...
20 July, 2020
The 5 Elements, 3 - Air
Discover the greatness of this part of the field of consciousness - the part of you that knows how to move in any direction, to direct your awareness towards new and wonderful ideas, the part of you that knows how to allow the mind to... Read more...
20 May, 2020 Row of people from behind

Spirituality Sangha - small group time choices - Wed 11am
"Community is where humility and glory touch.” - Henri J M Nouwen Thanks for choosing Wednesday 11 am for your small group time.  Times are BST (British Summer Time) We’ll be in touch with you soon!    Thanks for your... Read more...
20 May, 2020 Row of people from behind
Spirituality of Sangha - small group time choices - either time
"Community is where humility and glory touch.” - Henri J M Nouwen Thanks for your flexibility in choosing 'Either time' for your small group time.  You will be in either: Tuesday at 7 pm (19.00 hrs) or Wednesday at 11 am Times... Read more...
